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Save the Date: 30 July to 17 August 2025

Maschsee Festival
Hanover 2025

Review & overview Maschseefest 2024

Discover the shore

Continue to the north bank

Continue to the east bank

Continue to the south bank

Continue to the west bank

Everything at a glance

Here you can download a detailed overview map of the Maschseefest 2024. You can use it to quickly find all the stands and offers, car parks, bus stops and other services.

Catering at the Maschseefest

A culinary trip around the world

Source: Kevin Münkel
Cocktail bar

KONE Pavilion

Cocktails and more: The KONE Pavilion with the best view of the Maschsee!
Source: Kevin Münkel
North German

Water edge

The sound of the sea, the screeching of seagulls and the sea air - the typical North German attitude to life draws you to the northern shore.
San Francisco, Ostufer
US American

San Francisco / California

Welcome to America! The west coast of America awaits you - Californian flair with the best street food

Show all

Book a table now

Secure your place at the Maschsee Festival now and experience unforgettable summer evenings with the best views and culinary highlights!

Shows & Events

The programme at the Maschseefest

Opening hours

Monday - Thursday: 14:00 to 01:00
Friday - Saturday: 14:00 to 02:00
Sunday: 11:00 to 01:00

For the stands at the Geibel different operating end times apply.

Good to know

Frequently asked questions

The Maschseefest is the largest public festival in Lower Saxony in the centre of the city on the Maschsee. Holiday feeling in the city centre, maritime flair in the middle of the city! The Maschseefest gives holidays an international stage. Over 19 days, visitors have the opportunity to take a culinary and artistic trip around the world. Typical local gastronomy concepts, musical highlights in the open air, sporting activities on the Maschsee and a wide range of attractions for children and families create a holiday atmosphere.
The 38th Maschseefest will take place from 30 July to 17 August 2025. The Maschseefest runs for a total of 19 days.
A citizens' hotline will be set up again for questions relating to the Maschseefest 2024. The contact person is Mr Henze. The telephone number is: 0172 / 142 89 42 or by e-mail
The consumption of cannabis is prohibited on the festival site!
This year, for the first time, there will be a "Mindfulness Guide" for the Maschsee Festival to ensure respectful interaction and to prevent any form of boundary crossing. The measures for this guide include the use of the Saferspaces app and a reinforced PSNV team (psychosocial emergency care) from the Johanniter. The app can be used by scanning the QR code on one of the Saferspaces posters on the lanterns around the Maschsee and in the sanitary facilities. It is not necessary to install the app in advance. The location of the person concerned is also automatically transmitted. If you do not have a smartphone, you can also call the Johanniter hotline number (0800 0192140) on the poster. In principle, communication with people seeking help is covered by the app, the hotline and direct contact on site by the PSNV helpers from St John Ambulance. Retreat and shelter areas are also made available by St John Ambulance in the form of containers and a VW bus for mobile use on longer journeys. In general, however, the catering trade, operators and security can also be contacted and asked for help. The exact operating times of the medical service, the associated on-call service and further information on the topic of "mindfulness" at the Maschsee Festival can be found under 'Service' on the website.

Fun and games for little guests

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, the Maschseepiraten set sail; on Wednesdays, Thursdays and at weekends, various activities and attractions attract children to the children's meadow on the west bank and the play park on the south bank of the Maschsee can be visited daily.

Discover and enjoy

Impressions from the Maschsee Festival

Das Maschseefest 2024 war mit 2,15 Millionen Besuchern ein Riesenerfolg! 🌟 Aber es gibt noch mehr Neuigkeiten: Hans Christian Nolte übergibt die Geschäftsführung der HVG an André Lawiszus. 🎉 Er wird künftig nicht nur das Maschseefest, sondern auch Events wie die Glitterbox, den Altstadtflohmarkt und den Internationalen Feuerwerkswettbewerb leiten. Freut euch auf das nächste Maschseefest vom 30. Juli bis 17. August 2025! 🎶 #Maschseefest #Hannover #HVG #EventHighlights
Erlebt irisches Flair beim Maschseefest!Vom 31.07. bis 18.08. sorgt die IrishFolk-Bühne am Südufer für Stimmung. Genießt Livemusik von internationalen Künstlern wie The Keltics und Connemara Stone Company. Dazu gibt’s leckere Köstlichkeiten und Drinks, die euren Abend perfekt machen. Lasst euch diesen kulturellen Höhepunkt nicht entgehen! 🍀#Maschseefest2024 #Hannover #HannoverCity #Maschseefest #IrishFolk #Hannover @irishfolkontour #TheKeltics @connemarastonecompany
Bist du bereit für den Maschseefest-Beat? 🎉#Maschseefest #MSF #HannoverSong: Hartmut DüerkopFoto: @kevinmuenkel
Das Food Village am Geibel hat viele Highlights✨ Zwei Gastronomen standen uns Rede und Antwort. Lasst euch die vielfältigen kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten am Maschsee nicht entgehen. #Maschseefest #Hannover #Seefest #Maschseefest2024
Wer ist Heute auf dem Maschseefest? 😍 Noch bis zum 18. August könnt ihr am Maschsee internationale Köstlichkeiten, über 200 Live-Acts und eine unvergessliche Atmosphäre genießen.#Maschseefest #Maschsee #Hannover #VisitHannover #Sommer2024 #Festival
Wir stellen vor: unser Südufer! 🌅Hier ist von exquisiter Küche über ausgefallene Drinks und Spezialitäten verschiedener Nationen alles dabei! Nicht zu vergessen: das bunte Showprogramm auf den Bühnen an der Löwenbastion, dem Irish Folk und der Maschseequelle! 🎉🪩🎸 Kommt noch bis zum 18. August auf dem Maschseefest vorbei und besucht das Südufer ⛵️🌞@supperclub34 @mr_max_food_festivals @irishfolkontour @maschseequelle @visithannover #Maschseefest #Seefest #Südufer #maschseefest2024 #hannover

How to get to the Maschsee

Everything you need to know about parking, bus and train connections
or the nearest taxi rank for the journey to
home can be found here.

Worth knowing

Review of the Maschsee Festival







Programme type
Programme type
Special features
Special features