West bank
Here you will find a review of the offers and the culinary variety at the Maschseefest 2024.
The tendering process for the Maschseefest 2025 starts in October.
Relax and shake a leg - the perfect combination of chilled atmosphere and Spanish fuego.
In addition to culinary delicacies, the Westufer is characterised above all by its relaxed atmosphere in the RADIO 21 Lounge or the Spanish ambience in the Waldkater. On the Westufer you can enjoy fancy drinks or swing your hips - just as you please. The small food mile exudes atmosphere, flair and a South Sea vibe. Enjoy the colourful hustle and bustle across the Maschsee from afar. Younger visitors to the Maschsee Festival can also let off steam here on the children's meadow and enjoy a colourful programme.
Gastro on the west bank
Indulge in Spanish tapas at the Waldkater, enjoy a variety of street food, relax in the beer garden or treat yourself to refreshing cocktails in the trendy cocktail bars.
Programme on the west bank
The west bank invites you to enjoy Spanish music and sundowner events. The children's meadow offers daily fun and activities for the whole family!
Highlights on the west bank
Children's meadow
From Friday to Sunday and on Wednesdays, there was a colourful programme for children at the Maschseefest 2024 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. on the lawn at the Heinz von Heiden Arena:
If you like crafting, climbing, eating delicious ice cream, playing, jumping and romping, then the children's meadow is the place for you! In addition to the arts and crafts, games and sports programme, the children's meadow is packed with great activities for young and old.
Here you will find the west bank
Here is the west bank