The most environmentally friendly way of travelling is on two wheels
Tips for travelling by bike
For the Maschseefest 2024 (during construction and dismantling and for the duration of the Maschseefest itself), the cycle path leading into the city on the east side of Rudolf-von-Bennigsen-Ufer between Altenbekener Damm and Kurt-Schwitters-Platz will be moved to the carriageway. The actual cycle path directly on the Maschsee will not be accessible during this time.
Bicycle racks are located here:
Karl-Thiele-Weg (children's meadow)
Between the lakeside beer garden and children's meadow
Sprengel Museum
Height Geibelstraße
Lion Bastion
South bank
Maschsee spring
Tip: Bicycles have right of way for one and a half kilometres in Südstadt. Alte Döhrener Straße between Altenbekener Damm and Bürgemeister-Fink-Straße is designated as a cycle lane - just like the neighbouring Meterstraße and Maschstraße to the north.
Caution: It is also forbidden to ride a bike while under the influence of alcohol. If in doubt, push your bike home!